Dear members of TSV Allach,
dear players,
Dear trainers,
Christmas time is here, and with it the time to pause, reflect and celebrate. A year full of wonderful, sporting moments, full of happiness and beautiful moments shared together is behind us. And like every year, we want to look back together on the many beautiful moments that have connected us as a large Allach family.
"It's not important how many times you fall down, but how many times you get back up again." This saying is a perfect fit for TSV Allach 09. Because even though the water damage in June and the flooding of the changing rooms hit the club hard, TSV has picked itself up again. We tackled the problem together and completed the renovation work with combined forces and a lot of energy from our first chairman Max Ostermann. We are very grateful for his tireless efforts.
A special highlight was the successful participation of TSV Allach in the 1250th anniversary celebrations in Allach. It was simply wonderful that so many people came together to celebrate this special event. We are very pleased that we were able to successfully represent football and inspire many visitors.

TSV Allach is extremely pleased and proud to have 31 active youth teams born between 2019 and 2006. We are very grateful that over 55 volunteer coaches are now committed to the children with a lot of passion. TSV Allach is therefore a wonderful, trend-setting club for youth football in the grassroots sport sector.
The introduction of the new BFV football rules this year was a big challenge for everyone involved in the youth sector. We are all the more pleased that all the coaches were involved with a lot of commitment and passion from the beginning and successfully implemented the rules. A very special thank you therefore goes to all the coaches for their active support in the youth sector. You are great! The youth department is very grateful and full of appreciation for everyone who volunteers and puts so much heart and soul into their work. Because without them the club would not be what it is today: a successful, friendly and child-friendly football club for all nations, skin colors, religions and people who treat each other peacefully and respectfully. A big thank you to everyone who helps make our club as wonderful as it is!

The club is delighted to have reached another sensational milestone: the formation of a third girls' team! It is absolutely fantastic to see more and more girls getting the fantastic opportunity to immerse themselves in the exciting football adventure and develop their sporting skills.

We at the club have wholeheartedly worked together with the youth management to ensure the safety of our young players. Because every single girl and boy is very important to us and is close to our hearts. We are very happy that the lighting on Enterstrasse has now been installed and we expect it to be activated every day. Then the children can cycle home safely and well lit. That's really a great thing!
I am really pleased that I was re-elected as former second and now first youth leader and that I can continue to represent the club in the youth department. It is a great pleasure and honor for me to continue to drive the club forward in my eighth year. I am very pleased that Cedrik Schaft was also re-elected as youth spokesman. He is a wonderful role model for all young people and children who are ready to take on responsibility at this age. I am quite certain that with all our experience and commitment we will continue to successfully drive the youth department forward.

We are very sad that Michi Bloch has left the youth management. He told us that he could no longer continue due to his professional development. We were of course very sorry about this, but we understand it completely. We thank him from the bottom of our hearts for his commitment and wish him all the best for the future. We would be very happy and hope that he will stay with us as a coach and friend for a long time to come.

We are very pleased that we have also been able to celebrate sporting successes. Our U19 team has been promoted to the district league. Our first team players also pass on their knowledge and skills as youth team coaches to our youngest talents with great joy and commitment. And we are very proud that with our new sporting concept we can promote a uniform training that is becoming increasingly effective in the youth sector.
Our thanks also go to our supplier Jako and Sportecke Biehl, whose support helps ensure that all club members - from the youngest talents to the men's and women's teams - identify with the club.
Finally, we would like to thank all active children, parents, coaches and officials who are committed to TSV Allach 09. Our thanks also go to those who will be leaving us due to changes and are looking for new challenges.
We wish you all a peaceful Christmas filled with joy, peace and warmth. And we hope that all your dreams come true in the New Year.
We wish all members, their families and all friends of TSV Allach 09 a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and look forward to a successful and peaceful 2025!
With kind regards and best wishes for a wonderful Christmas season and a good start into the New Year,
Your team of youth management of TSV Allach 09 eV
Alfons Kurt Mexner and Cedrik Schaft